Our right to privacy extends only as far as our ability to protect it since technological advancement and the government have joined hands against us. The right to privacy will be as void for humanity as the right to a fair trial was to the Guantanamo Bay detainees. We're basically doomed to an existence carried out under the filtration of the all-seeing eyes behind the various agencies every ISP node is fed into via the NSA supercomputer. All information is monitored, all the time, regardless of how you choose to protect your 'physical data'. This is not just possible. It is more than probable, considering the unsupervised structure of our the internet everyone knows and understands (or doesn't understand) today. No one escapes it...
Until now!
Now introducing, from ElfWax Research & Labratories, the Modern-Day Information Doomwave SURFIN' SET!
Our set includes:
- -1 supersurfin' keyboard that uses lasers instead of keys. Now you can surf the net like the 1337 hack proz0r5 do - with an unwarranted sense of entitlement. Act as though you're experienced by dealing with something sensitive like key information by using equipment which can't be fingerprinted. Catch the wave AND get away with it!*
- -A Hand-Held Hate Speaker with a backlit clock. This 4-inch radio is armed with 400+ hours of recorded religious lecture by various extremist groups and terrorits. Also, hear the Beach Boys as you've never heard them before!
- -1 vacuum-packed hard drive containing a super computer virus that actually turns your computer's insides into liquid shit. Using TNTech brand research and advancements in pyrotechnics technology, you can ensure that all data within a 24-block radius is destroyed permanently with a high-profile electromagnetic pulse emitted by forcing a power surge through your home's own electrical system.**
- -A single-use flash-drive bullet which can be safely (but assertively) put to your throat and discharged using a GUI (graphical user interface) to send a digital signal to the USB drive, which plunges the hot metal deep into your brain stem. When uncle sam is listening to your muffled cries through your LAN connection AND from outside the door to your back porch, let them know you just went out in style, the American way!***
*You will not get away with it
**subsequent chemotherapy bills are the sole responsibility of the consumer, but it doesn't matter anyway because your ass belongs to Uncle Sam (oh shit they control the after-life, too!) now get down on your knees and pray for the Sun God to blow up the Sun.
***All of our bullets are made in China and may not contain actual lead or any other hard material, and may dissolve in humidity, becoming a mild toxin poisonous to infants.
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You're doing the nation a service.
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